Renny Lea and Dorothy Wickman amidst their aprons and a couple Sweetie Pie pies. Photo by Dennis Connolly
The beauty of an apron up close. Photo by Dennis Connolly.
Wonderful variety of aprons. Photo by Dennis Connolly.
Apron models from an earlier Sweetie Pies show. Front row, left to right: Corinne Lea, Betsy Palmer, Lia Smith, Susan Croissant and Renee Gomilla. Back row (standing): Bob and Lorna Winn, Barb Maskell, Carol Hackbardt and Celeste Gajda. Contributed photo.
Sweetie Pies owners, past and present. Front , from left, Dave Lea, Corinne Lea, Susan Croissant-Murphy, Michael Murphy. Back, Renny Lea, Larry & Cathy Mazurek. Contributed photo.